About our website
Certified Green Web Hosting

It is nice being able to say we found a web hosting company ready to make a public commitment to going green. As we promote the development and use of wind and solar energy resources we want to offset all the power we use. By putting equivalent clean energy back into the grid, we effectively reduce our carbon footprint and support renewable energy initiatives.
Web hosting from HostPapa is powered by 100% renewable energy sources for their entire operations with Green-e Energy Certified renewable energy certificates.
Encouraging the Ecology of Creativity

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License
Creative Commons' mission is to enable the legal sharing and reuse of cultural, educational, and scientific works.
Creative Commons makes it possible for creators to reserve some rights while licensing others to the public, hence their mantra 'some rights reserved,' as opposed to the default 'all rights reserved' level of copyright protection that requires you to ask permission first.
With Creative Commons licenses, we keep our copyright but share our creativity. Please refer to the disclaimer page for more information about licensing and copyrights of the website's content.
Web Browsers & Compatibility

We did our best to assure maximum compatibility with existing modern web browsers even if we cannot guarantee a full support by all.
We recommend you use Firefox, to get it, simply click the image on the right. Firefox is a free/open source software. The organic nature of the software development has created a healthier, higher quality browser that makes the web better for you.
Other great browsers are available for free, you can pick any of those displayed below by clicking on its icon. If you are using Internet Explorer, changing for another browser will allow you a faster, nicer and more secure experience of the web.