Recommended Literature
Here you'll find a selection of great books we really appreciate and want to share with you.
They offer high value information to practicing engineers in the work force and they will also be of use for engineering students working on Environment related issues.
Read about Environmental Design and Economics, Renewable Energy Engineering and much more in these books. Time to feed our heads :-)
Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air

Sustainable Energy - Without the Hot Air
by David JC MacKay
Publisher: UIT Cambridge Ltd. (2009)
ISBN/ASIN: 0954452933
Addressing the sustainable energy crisis in an objective manner, this enlightening book analyzes the relevant numbers and organizes a plan for change on both a personal level and an international scale-for Europe, the United States, and the world.
In case study format, this informative reference answers questions surrounding nuclear energy, the potential of sustainable fossil fuels, and the possibilities of sharing renewable power with foreign countries.
Download or read it online herePlanning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems

Planning and Installing Solar Thermal Systems - A Guide for Installers, Architects and Engineers
by the German Solar Energy Society (DGS)
Publisher: Earthscan Publications Ltd.; Second Edition (2010) - ISBN: 1849775125
Solar thermal systems available today offer efficiency and reliability. They can be applied in different conditions to meet various requirements in the residential, commercial and industrial building sectors. The potential for this technology and the associated environmental benefits are significant.
This fully updated edition of 2004's bestselling guide offers clear guidance on planning and installing a solar thermal system, crucial to the successful uptake of this technology. All major topics for successful project implementation are included. Beginning with resource assessment and an outline of core components, it details solar thermal system design, installation, operation and maintenance for single households, large systems, swimming pool heaters, solar air and solar cooling applications. Details on how to market solar thermal technologies, a review of simulation tools and data on regional, national and international renewable energy programs are also provided.
Designing with Solar Power - A source book for BIPV

Designing With Solar Power - A source book for Building Integrated PhotoVoltaics (BIPV)
By Deo Prasad & Mark Snow
Publisher: The Images Publishing Group & Earthscan (2006)
ISBN: 1876907177
Designing with Solar Power is the result of international collaborative research and development work carried out within the remit of the International Energy Agency's Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (IEA PVPS), where world-wide and interdisciplinary expert experience on building-integrated photovoltaics has been brought together to provide state-of-the-art information on technology and design issues.
This book's mission is to inspire building professionals to think about photovoltics as an energy-producing building material, and to incorporate this energy source whenever possible. Hundreds of photos, diagrams and charts demonstrate the fundamentals of photovoltaics, the hurdles to be faced, experience to date, and overall, its enormous potential. More than twenty international case studies demonstrate the learning curve that has accompanied the early years of building-integrated photovoltaics.
Alternative Energy Production

Environmentally Conscious Alternative Energy Production (Environmentally Conscious Engineering, Myer Kutz Series)
By Myer Kutz
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (2007)
ISBN: 0471739111
This fourth volume of the Series in Environmentally Conscious Engineering, Environmentally Conscious Alternative Energy Production describes and compares the environmental and economic impacts of renewable and conventional power generation technologies.
Major topic areas include: Economic comparisons of power generation technologies, Efficiency comparisons of power generation technologies, Methods of improving the environmental impact of conventional technologies, Solar thermal systems, Photovoltaics, Fuel cell technologies, Geothermal power generation, Hydroelectric power generation, Wind power generation, Cogeneration, The hydrogen economy, Energy efficient building design, Industrial energy conservation, and Codes, standards and legislation, and others.
Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy
Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy (Yes In My Front Yard)
by the International Energy Agency
Publisher: IEA Publications (2009)
ISBN: 978-92-64-07687-7
Local governments have the power to influence the energy choices of their citizens. Many cities and towns have already encouraged energy efficiency
measures. Even so, as demand for energy services continues to grow, the energy infrastructure that every city and town depends on will need to be
expanded, upgraded or replaced. This provides the opportunity to increase the deployment of renewable energy technologies and decentralised energy
systems, and hence gain the multi-benefits of increased energy security, climate change mitigation and sustainable development, but also the social
benefits of reduced air pollution, such as improved health and employment.
Many combinations of policies have been employed to stimulate local renewable energy development. These policies include: local governance by authority; providing resources; enabling private actors; leading by example; allowing self-governance. Mega-city mayors, down to small-town officials, have successfully introduced such policies, although these vary with location, local resources and population. Cities, Towns and Renewable Energy - "Yes In My Front Yard" includes several case studies chosen to illustrate how enhanced deployment of renewable energy projects can result, regardless of a community's size or location.
The goals of this report are to inspire city stakeholders by showing how renewable energy systems can benefit citizens and businesses, assist national governments to better appreciate the role that local municipalities might play in meeting national and international objectives, and help accelerate the necessary transition to a sustainable energy future.
Sustainable Communities Design Handbook

Sustainable Communities Design Handbook: Green Engineering, Architecture, and Technology
By Woodrow Clark
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann (2010)
ISBN: 1856178048
The objective of this book is to ensure a better quality of life for everyone, both now and for generations to come. This means creating a better and safer environment internationally through the sustainable use of natural resources, encouraging sustainable development which supports a strong economy, and ensuring a high quality environment that can be enjoyed by all.
Sustainable Development Partnerships brings together in one reference today's most cutting edge technologies and methods for creating sustainable communities. With this book, Environmental Engineers, Civil Engineers, Architects, Mechanical Engineers, and Energy Engineers find a common approach to building environmental friendly communities which are energy efficient. The five part treatment starts with a clear and rigorous exposition of sustainable development in practice, followed by self-contained chapters concerning applications.
- Methods for the sustainable use of natural resources in built communities
- Clearly explains the most cutting edge sustainable technologies
- Provides a common approach to building sustainable communities
- Coverage of sustainable practices from architecture to construction
Designing High-Density Cities

Designing High-Density Cities: For Social and Environmental Sustainability
By Khee-Poh Lam
Publisher: Earthscan Publications Ltd. (2010)
ISBN: 1844074609
A distinctive and comprehensive selection of conceptual ideas covering the 'art and science' of sustainable city design. It is an excellent overview of the state of the art on design process for cities presenting high densities.
The book is an outcome of long standing research in the area of urban sustainability and includes contributions from internationally acclaimed researchers and building scientists. This is a valuable reference not only for academics but also for architects and practitioners.
Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change

Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change
By Sue Roaf, David Crichton & Fergus Nicol
Publisher: Architectural Press, 2nd Edition (2009)
ISBN: 1856177203
From the bestselling author of Ecohouse, this fully revised edition of Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change provides unique insights into how we can protect our buildings, cities, infra-structures and lifestyles against risks associated with extreme weather and related social, economic and energy events.
Three new chapters present evidence of escalating rates of environmental change. The authors explore the growing urgency for mitigation and adaptation responses that deal with the resulting challenges.
- Theoretical information sits alongside practical design guidelines, so architects, designers and planners can not only see clearly what problems they face, but also find the solutions they need, in order to respond to power and water supply needs.
- Considers use of materials, structures, site issues and planning in order to provide design solutions.
- Examines recent climate events in the US and UK and looks at how architecture was successful or not in preventing building damage.
Adapting Buildings and Cities for Climate Change is an essential source, not just for architects, engineers and planners facing the challenges of designing our building for a changing climate, but also for everyone involved in their production and use.
Energy Management Handboook
Energy Management Handboook
By Steve Doty & Wayne C. Turner
Publisher: Fairmont Press, 7th Edition (2009)
ISBN: 0881736090
Newly revised and edited, this seventh edition includes extensive revisions to seven of its twenty-eight chapters, including those covering waste heat recovery, HVAC systems, energy management and control systems, energy systems maintenance, alternative energy, indoor air quality, and codes, standards and legislation. This comprehensive handbook has become recognized as the definitive stand-alone energy manager's desk reference, used by thousands of energy management professionals throughout the industry.
You'll find coverage of every component of effective energy management, including energy auditing, economic analysis, boilers, steam systems, cogeneration, waste heat recovery, building envelope, HVAC systems, motors and drives / electric energy management, energy management control systems, lighting, energy systems maintenance, insulation systems, alternative energy, sustainability and high performance green buildings, ground-source heat pumps, indoor air quality, utility rates, thermal energy storage, codes and standards, energy legislation, natural gas purchasing, electric deregulation, financing and performance contracting, commissioning, and measurement and verification. Detailed illustrations, tables, graphs and many other helpful working aids are provided throughout.
Handbook of Energy Engineering

Handbook of Energy Engineering
By Albert Thumann, D. Paul Mehta
Publisher: Fairmont Press (2008)
ISBN: 0881735817, 1420087681
Use the definitive energy engineering reference to apply the principles of energy engineering to all types of design and retrofit projects.
This fully updated, comprehensive reference will guide you step by step in applying the principles of energy engineering and management to the design of electrical, HVAC, utility, process, and building systems for both new design and retrofit projects. You will learn how to do an energy analysis of any system. Detailed presentations cover electrical system optimization, state-of-the-art lighting and lighting controls, thermal storage, cogeneration, HVAC system optimization, HVAC and building controls, and computer technologies.
The fifth edition includes a new chapter covering codes, standards, and legislation, as well as a new chapter on compressed air systems. You'll also find coverage on use of innovative third party financing mechanisms such as performance contracting to implement energy cost reduction measures. The text is thoroughly illustrated with tables, graphs, diagrams, and sample problems with worked out solutions.
Daylighting, Architecture and Health

Daylighting, Architecture and Health Building Design Strategies
by Mohamed Boubekri
Publisher: Architectural Press (2008)
ISBN: 0750667249
Daylighting, Architecture and Health examines the relationship between natural light in buildings and human health, considering both psychological and physiological issues and bringing together a range of research in the field.
- Documents medical research findings which establish a link between light quality and health
- Considers design strategies for increasing daylight in buildings
- Develops understanding and awareness of the importance of natural light in buildings
The Ecology of Building Materials

The Ecology of Building Materials
By Bjorn Berge
Publisher: Architectural Press, 2nd Edition (2009)
ISBN: 1856175375
The Ecology of Building Materials explores key questions surrounding sustainability of building materials.
It provides technical data to enable design and building professionals to choose the most appropriate materials for a project: those that are least polluting, most energy efficient, and from sustainable sources.
The book also gives information and guidance on a wide range of issues such as recycling, detailing for increased durability and Life Cycle Analysis.
Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture

Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture: Analytical Therapy for the Next Generation of Passive Sustainable Architecture
By Amjad Almusaed
Publisher: Springer (2010)
ISBN: 1849965331
Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture is a guide to innovative architectural design for architects, engineers and other specialists who are working with biophilic and bioclimatic architectural concepts.
Biophilic and Bioclimatic Architecture has three parts:
- Part I focuses on the relationship between architecture and human needs and the creation process, demonstrating the meaning of architectural value in architectural hypothesis.
- Part II opens the way towards a new understanding of biophilic architecture as a response to the negative actions of humans and the negative effects of using natural resources.
- Part III shows the benefits of combining the effects of the climate with the notion of human comfort in bioclimatic architecture.
Bioclimatic Housing

Bioclimatic Housing - Innovative Designs For Warm Climates
By Richard Hyde
Publisher: Earthscan Publications Ltd. (2008)
ISBN: 978-1-84407-284-2
Focusing on countries in which houses require cooling for a significant part of the year, this book covers creative, vernacular architecture backed up by practical and applied good science. Having set out new definitions of bioclimatic housing, the book interweaves the themes of social progress, technological fixes and industry transformation within a discussion of global and country trends, climate types, solution sets and relevant low-resource utilization technologies.
With concepts, principles and case studies from Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Brazil, Australia, Japan, Sri Lanka and Italy, this is a truly international and authoritative work, prepared under the auspices of a five year International Energy Agency (IEA) SHC Task 28/BCS Annex 38 project.
Bioclimatic Housing provides a primer for building designers, builders, developers and advanced students in architecture, environmental management and engineering, mapping out the factors that are at work in reshaping housing for a more sustainable future.
The Future Envelope 2: Architecture - Climate - Skin

The Future Envelope 2: Architecture - Climate - Skin - Volume 9 Research in Architectural Engineering Series
By U. Knaack and T. Klein
Publisher: IOS Press - Delft University Press (2010)
ISBN: 1607500264
The role of the building envelope - related to the energy performance of a building and the comfort of the user - is significant and, because of the sustainability aspect, coming into focus more and more.
Since the introduction of the double leafed facade, it is obvious that the climate performance of a building can be an important tool for architectural expression. Climate-oriented architecture is related to all aspects of building. It will affect the design as well as the building process and the construction itself.
For The Future Envelope 2, specialists from the fields of architecture, engineering and research were asked to share their practical experience and their visions for the future of the climate-oriented building envelope.
Sustainability at the Cutting Edge
Sustainability at the Cutting Edge, Second Edition: Emerging Technologies for low energy buildings
Peter F. Smith
Publisher: Architectural Press (2007)
ISBN: 0750683007
Sustainability at the Cutting Edge is an essential guide to understanding the future direction of sustainable technology. This fully updated new edition deals not only with current best practice and state of the art case studies, but with the very latest emerging technologies which will transform the relationship between buildings and energy.
Professor Smith describes how buildings can be made to significantly reduce their reliance on fossil-based energy by the use of solar and geothermal resources. He also describes a range of renewable energy generating technologies.
As sustainable building becomes increasingly essential with the advance of climate change, government legislation and international treaties, this is valuable knowledge for every architect, engineer and designer.
Sustainable Transportation: Problems and Solutions

Sustainable Transportation: Problems and Solutions
By William R. Black
Publisher: The Guilford Press (2010)
ISBN: 1606234854
During the last two decades, sustainability has become the dominant concern of transportation planners and policymakers. This timely text presents a framework for developing systems that move people and products efficiently while minimizing damage to the local and global environment.
The book offers a uniquely comprehensive perspective on the problems surrounding current transportation systems: climate change, urban air pollution, diminishing petroleum reserves, safety issues, and congestion. It explores the full range of possible solutions, including applications of pricing, planning, policy, education, and technology. Numerous figures, tables, and examples are featured, with a primary focus on North America.
The most technologically efficient machine that man has ever invented is the book.
- Northrop Frye