Reports, Presentations and others Documents
A selection of links to a variety of documents that offer recent information on Environmental Design, particularly Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
We believe they offer high value information to practicing engineers in the work force and they will also be of use for engineering students working on Energy and Environment related issues.
If any of these no longer work, let us know !
Clean Energy Documents
A list of high quality, up-to-date documents covering the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency
Latest Worldwatch Report on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in China

Worldwatch Institute has produced an exhaustive report on the current status of renewables and energy efficiency in China. It gives an authoritative snapshot of the clean energy situation in that country as of October 2010 and prospects for 2020.
Worldwatch Report on RE and EE in China - October 2010 (0.9MB)
Daylighting and Energy Efficient Artificial Lighting
SynthLight is a multinational educational programme on energy efficient integrated building design in the urban environment. SynthLight was part-funded by the European Commission under the SAVE programme.
The handbook below covers the design for good daylighting in relation to a building's use and climate. It covers the selection of artificial lamps and luminaires and control systems both from the perspective of visual comfort and energy efficiency.
Chapter 1: Fundamentals (1.8MB)
Chapter 2: Daylighting (1.2MB)
Chapter 3: Artificial Lighting (2.0MB)
Chapter 4: Integration of Electric Lighting-Daylighting (0.7MB)
Renewable Energy Souces - RESET book
A book on Renewable Energy Souces (RES) in settlements planned to be constructed in Europe, the integration of the results and conclusions into a set of design guidelines for managers and designers of settlements, urban sites and utilities.
Download RESET Book (3.5MB)
Where to look for more scientific info ?
Links to Specific Search Engines, Open Access Journals, Scientific Electronic Library and much more are available in the published scientific information links section.
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- Grigori Perelman