Building Modeling and Energy Simulation

The benefit of early investment in passive design is that we can minimize the energy needs of the building, significantly reducing services costs on the project and the running costs of the building.

We use several Building Simulation Environment Software to carry out full 3D analysis to optimize the passive design of buildings by exploring the impact of alternative design strategies. The simulations enable us to accurately model the many aspects such as the thermal and ventilation performance of proposed building designs, accounting for orientation, solar gain, building materials, thermal mass and different glazing configurations.

Energy Optimization through Computational Analysis

From an energy perspective you can reduce a building's need in many ways. We have listed the 12 most common energy efficiency measures we investigate in our assessments:

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In exploring the use of energy in a building, all energy-related issues must be taken into account, and this is why we use dynamic energy simulation. These computer-based models use climatic data coupled with building loads, such as:

The energy model combines these factors to predict the building's energy demands to help size the building's HVAC system and parameters of other components properly so we are not using a system larger than what we need and so we can understand the impact of our design on the global environment.
The challenge of demonstrating sustainability in the built environment requires both global and local perspectives. Our energy modelers assess compliance against international energy efficiency codes.

A great building begins with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be immeasurable.

- Louis Kahn

Consultancy Services

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